Yes! There Is Enough Time!
Why do smart and successful individuals still struggle with managing their time, even when the negative results are staring them in the face?
This course has been helping people at all levels overcome the time management trap. For over two decades, The Time Class has opened people’s eyes to simple and implementable concepts that we all tend to miss. Those who have followed the processes in this course have been able to find more time for enjoying what truly matters in life. This new level of personal and professional joy can allow you to move forward with a clear plan for being your most effective self. Your beliefs, your relationships and yes, often even your health will start to shift. This shift has allowed participants in the program to start designing the life they desire instead of living by the clock.
I did not know how much I needed this!
Being an executive and having a family, I felt like I was constantly behind. If I wasn't behind at work, I felt guilty for not spending time with my family. When spending time with my family I was thinking about work! I felt like every morning I strapped into a rollercoaster, completely out of control until I went to bed at night . This course taught me to take charge of my time and by doing so, my life. I get more done at work, which is helping me produce better results. I also have much more time than I ever had before - I even make time for myself now. This course is a must-have for any busy professional realizing there could be more to life!
- Anna, CMO for international software company
Included in the BONUS for purchasing today, you will learn little time hacks that produce minutes, hours and days each week. Time you were leaving on the table. You will learn when to work on important tasks and when to give your brain and body a break. The Calendars and Task Lists allow you to predict your outcomes. And most importantly, you will learn how to maximize your free time in a way that fully recharges your energy.
This THREE PART course, which includes THREE MONTHS of LIVE ONLINE COACHING, is now being offered in digital format. This course has been changing lives for over 2 decades. And yes, once you have purchased this program, you get to keep the video training, the worksheets and even the bonus trainings...forever
In this course you will learn concepts to assist you in finding time for:
Better health
More complete and harmonious relationships
Being more spiritually fulfilled (regardless of religious beliefs)
Learning at an accelerated pace
Enjoying more financial freedom
See What's Inside
In Module 1 you begin to understand how your relationship and story about time affect your life.
How your family of origin affects your beliefs.
How your past, present and future memories determine your decisions.
What mental hoarding keeps you from achieving.
How to recognize and eliminate blind spots that sabotage your time.
How to use your Ultradian Rhythms to your advantage.
What the distinction of your personal time system means.
In Module 2 you will come to understand how to gain a sense of life balance.
You will learn to improve and discard the behaviors in a way that supports your optimal physical being.
You will learn how to communicate in relationships in a new and profound way.
You will discover the meaning of Spiritualty (not religion) and how to appropriately rely on this aspect of life
You will learn how to leverage your knowledge and skills in a way that supports the career path you choose.
You will learn a new way to look at prosperity in your own life.
In Module 3 you will review the information you've already learned, but from a new vantage point as you have worked through each part.
You will begin to see what to selectively focus on to support your desired results.
You will learn how to create goals which eliminate your time wasters and replace them with joy and money makers.
You will learn how to start each day in a way that sets you up for success.